Data processing information

Some Liszt services process user data to provide their service. The table below shows how Liszt uses and manages user data that may identify them.

Furthermore, you have the option of requesting the deletion of specific data or controlling how data is processed by writing to Olivier Janel.

Service Liszt User data How the data helps provide the service

Email addresses

IP addresses

Purpose: The data is used to enable user authentication and facilitate end user account management. The authentication service also uses IP addresses to provide additional security and prevent abuse during registration and authentication.

Retention: The authentication service retains registered IP addresses for a few weeks. It retains email addresses until the user's account is deleted, after which the data is deleted from the live and backup systems within 180 days.

Cloud Functions IP addresses

Purpose: IP addresses are used to perform event-handling functions and HTTP functions based on user actions.

Retention: Cloud Functions only store IP addresses temporarily, to provide the service.

Dynamic links

Device Specifications (iOS)

IP addresses (iOS)

Purpose: The dynamic link service uses device specifications and IP addresses on iOS to open newly installed apps on a specific page or context.

Storage: the dynamic link service only temporarily stores device specifications and IP addresses, to provide the service.

Backup photos of avatars


Use:The service saves photos of avatars of the user's tribe in order to make them available on each user's device.

Storage:Photos are stored at the discretion of the user and only accessible by him.

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